Evaluation & Impact Assessment
Evaluation & Impact Assessment activities are an essential parameter for ensuring the proper design of future public and private programmes and projects. The array of services SYSTASI’s team members provide concerning the Evaluation and Impact Assessment of projects and/or Science, Technological Development and Innovation Programmes aim to offer scientific input to public and private institutions in Europe concerning:
- the correlation between initial objectives and achieved outputs, outcomes, results and impacts,
- the effectiveness, efficiency and efficacy of mechanisms utilized for the production of the achieved outputs, outcomes, results and impacts, and
- the long-term socio-economic impacts resulting from the implementation of local, regional, national and European Programmes and Projects.
Vocational Training & Lifelong Learning
On European level, the major instrument for the funding of vocational training and lifelong learning activities is the European Leonardo da Vinci programme. The programme’s main goals are the improvement of peoples’ skills and competencies that facilitate their integration and re-integration in the job market; peoples as well as access to a continuous vocational training and lifelong learning, and also the promotion and enhancement of the contribution of vocational training to innovation in order to empower entrepreneurship and competitiveness on local, regional and ultimately European level. European organisations of all kinds (Universities, Research Institutes, Professional Organisations, SMEs, etc.) participate in the programme in order to develop and apply a common learning framework and guidelines aiming at the promotion of knowledge and the support of relative initiatives of the Member States in the field of Lifelong Learning. SYSTASI’s team members have been involved for more than 10 years in the preparation of proposals as well as the administration and contribution to projects funded under the Leonardo da Vinci programme. Furthermore, they are well experienced in the provision of training services to public and private organisations all over Europe for the improvement of their competitiveness, creativity, innovativeness and sustainable development.
Review of Research & Innovation Policies at national and European level
SYSTASI Consulting is fully capable of supporting companies and public agencies on national and EU level in further obtaining policy insight through:
1. Technology Assessment Studies
The elaboration of Technology Assessment studies aim at monitoring and assessing the impacts of technological evolution on businesses as well as socio-economic level while contributing in an advisory way in decision making and technological strategy development.
2. Provision of recommendations concerning Research, Technology and Innovation Policies
The design and configuration of new policies or the continuation of existing ones require a deep and thorough examination of the socio-economic environmental context in which they are about to enter. The identification and investigation of best research and innovation policy practices applied in other regions or countries is essential in policy design in order to achieve harmonization between current conditions and anticipated results and for certifying the use of most appropriate measures and practices.
Risk Communication
The proper and timely diagnosis of any risk-related situation together with the proper communication of risks to the general public or even between authorities involved in the mitigation of risk situations in a way that misperceptions, panic and havoc are avoided, are the key points to optimise the effectiveness of any risk-related policy. Members of SYSTASI Consulting have undertaken a number of activities in the past related to the support of public authority and private organisation require for their preparation of risk communication strategies, in a way that secures transparent communication of any risk related issues while protecting the general public.
Innovation Review
Technological Innovation has been the mainstream and the core objective of national policies and private organisations all over the world over the past century. Yet, the current socio-economic conditions require the renaissance of technological innovation by including social characteristics in innovation policies and outcomes. Governmental authorities and enterprises need to take into account such trends in developing processes, products and services in order to meet modern needs and challenges. Social innovation, open innovation, design innovation, etc., operate within this framework and further new models of innovation are anticipated to spur in the near future. SYSTASI Consulting is currently involved in the exploration of these new trajectories of innovation on public as well as entrepreneurial level.
The term “foresight” has become widely over the past few years in describing a range of activities such as: critical thinking concerning long-term developments, debate and effort to create wider participatory democracy, shaping the future, especially by influencing public policy, etc. Foresight is a powerful tool that can be used primarily by public institutions on local, regional, national and EU level and allows policy and decision makers to interact with experts and authorities in identifying how worldwide trends and drivers can affect the future course of their area (geographical, industrial, entrepreneurial). Members of SYSTASI Consulting have been involved in the past in the elaboration of a number of projects related to the elaboration of foresight on local, regional, national and EU level. SYSTASI can assist any local, regional or national authority implement a foresight exercise and properly translate its outcomes.